This application is for businesses or individuals who want to display/sell their products or service at the 2024 U.S. Open Martial Arts Championship, on October 5th, 2024 at the Reggie Lewis Track & Athletic Center in the Boston Metro Area. The fee for reserving a booth space (booth table size: 72 inch x 30 inch) is $200 for the whole day, from 8AM to 4PM (or to the completion of the tournament), and additional booth space can be reserved for $200 each. Booth exhibitors are required to bring their own booth table and chairs. A booth exhibitor could bring 2 banners, one banner to be displayed behind the booth table and another banner to be attached on the booth table. The width of both banners is limit to the width of the booth table.

Businesses or individuals could also purchase one or multiple 1/6 page advertisement space (4.25 inch width x 3.66 inch height) of a standard full size page (8.5 inch x 11 inch) in the tournament’s booklet for $200 per 1/6 page advertisement space. The booklet will be handed out to all the participants at the event. To reserve one or multiple booth space and/or to purchase advertisement space,  please send an email to or email to or your artwork in .jpg or .png format to