Rules for Chi Sao

A. Objectives

  • The objective of the contest is to test participants on the following qualities particular to Southern Short-Hand:
    1. Sensitivity/Reaction Skills
    2. Balance
    3. Structure and technique (stance and movements)
    4. Timing and speed
    5. Control of power and distance
    6. Clean attacking, blocking, and trapping technique

Note: This is not a point contest, but a judgement of the competitor’s overall performance on the above.

B. Equipment

  • Participants will be required to wear a headgear, month piece,  T-shirt (with or without a school insignia), martial arts pants, and athletic or gung-fu shoes. No long sleeved shirts will be permitted.
  • Contestants will not be permitted to wear any objects (including jewelry) that may cause injury to themselves or to their opponents. Fingernails must be clipped as short as possible, and will be inspected by officials. A mouth guard and groin-cup (for males) are required. Headgear is optional. Hand and foot gear will not be required.

C. Contest Format

  • Each match will consist of two 1 -1/2 minute rounds, with a 30 second rest in between.
  • The competition area will be a square space measuring 8’ x 8’, enclosed and divided into two halves by tape. For the finals, the Platform/Table will be a square space measuring 4- ½ x 4-1/2 feet and 1 foot above the floor.
  • The opponents will bow to each other and to the referee and the judges. They will then “face off” at the center of the competition area and establish forearm contact in a double sticking hands position.
  • Following the direction of the referee, the contestants will begin “rolling”, rotating their forearms at least three times before initiating an exchange of techniques.
  • Should the contestants disengage, they are to return to the center of the competition area and begin again with the “rolling hands” under the instructions of the referee.
  • If a contestant is driven out of the competition area or off the platform, both competitors are to return to the center of the “ring” and begin again as stated above.
  • During the 30-second break period, the contestants are to return to their respective corners and adopt a kneeling
    or seated posture until called by the referee.

D. How the Matches Will Be Officiated

  • The officiating committee will consist of the following members:
      1. Chief Judge
      2. Four Corner Judges
      3. Center referee
      4. Timekeeper/Scorekeeper
  • The chief judge will be the arbiter in all disputes, and will announce the winner of each match. The Chief Judges decision will be final on any judgments not covered by the rules.
  • The corner judges will score each match and determine the winner. Each corner judge will indicate an independent vote for the winner when the Chief Judge requests the call. A majority of votes determines the winner in each match. In the event of a draw, the Corner Judges will refer to the Chief Judge for a decision. In the finals, a 20-second “sudden death” round may be initiated if a draw occurs between all judges.
  • The Center Referee will be responsible for starting and stopping the action, for ensuring that all rules are followed, and that the safety of the participants is maintained. Only the Center Referee (or the Chief Judge at his or her discretion) can stop the clock during action. The clock will be stopped should there be an infringement of the rules, an injury, an argument, or a withdrawal.
  • The timekeeper/Scorekeeper will start the clock in accordance with the signals of the Center Referee, and will ring a bell to announce the end of each segment of a match. As scorekeeper, he will record the results of each match and will inform the Chief judge of the name of the winner.

E. Protests

Any protests must be immediately presented to the Chief Judge before the start of the following match. Protests presented after this time will not be considered.

F. Match Rules

  • Judges will be looking for a continuous exchange of discernible techniques, with an emphasis on adherence or “sticking”. This will be distinguished from wrestling, shoving, and boxing.
  • When striking to the head area, use only light force and strike only the padded area of the headgear.
  • Striking techniques employing the fist, open hand, and foot are to be directed to the opponent’s chest protector only.
  • Competitors should display good ”bridging” skills, i.e. adhering to the opponent’s forearms while delivering attacks and counterattacks to precise body targets at close range.
  • Kicking is allowed only if (1) to chest protected area and (2) at least one hand is in contact with the opponents arm.
  • None of the following actions will be permitted:
      1. Committing any action with apparent intent to cause harm.
      2. Blows delivered with the knee or head.
      3. Punching, elbow, or chopping at the opponent’s head or neck.
      4. Wild, swinging punches which show a lack of “bridging”.
      5. Kicking to the opponent’s groin area, or to any part of his or her legs.
      6. Double-grabbing, i.e. holding the opponent with both hands without executing an attack.
      7. Pulling the grabbing the opponent’s hair or clothing.
      8. Attacking the opponent after the referee has stopped the action.
      9. Talking back disrespectfully to any official.
      10. Using foul language or gestures toward anyone present during the competition.
      11. Intentionally using a technique meant to cause injury to your opponent.
      12. Issuing verbal instructions from ringside (This refers to instructors and fellow students).
      13. Issuing verbal instructions during the break period.
  • A contestant may receive a maximum of one (1) warning for breaking any of the above rules. Two (2) infringements of the rules will lead to immediate disqualification. Any intentional or excessive contact will result in immediate disqualification.

G. Weight Categories

The following weight categories will be used for this event:

Men's (lbs) Women's (lbs)
Light Weight Less than 145 Less than 125
Middle Weight 145 - 175 (not included) 125 - 145 (not included)
Heavy Weight 175 - 205 (not included) 145 and up
Super Weight 205 and up N/A