Welcome Letter from the WFMAF's President

Dear Masters & Practitioners,

I cordially invite your academy or organization, or you as an individual competitor, to participate in the 2024 World Open Martial Arts Championship (WOMAC) on Saturday Oct 5, 2024, at Reggie Lewis Track & Athletic Center in the Boston Metro Area.

Each year, the Championship provides an opportunity for students of all ages and all levels to come together and present their martial arts skills in healthy and fair competition. Whatever it is you study, we offer you a platform for demonstrating your accomplishments.

This is the thirteenth year of our nationally and internationally recognized competition, one that New York State Senator John J. Flanagan publicly commended for “exemplary service to the community and State in providing an opportunity for martial arts organizations to come together in their noble aims and accomplishments, in their unique professional achievements, in their good citizenship, and illustrate these qualities for the edification and emulation of others.”

This year, all competitors, both individuals and schools/organizations, are invited to participate in the Opening Ceremony. Medal winners are eligible for placement in the Athlete Rankings System. As well, World Class Masters in various martial arts disciplines will demonstrate their skills and artistry as inspiration to all present to continue in their own martial arts studies.

The Opening Ceremony parade of schools, organizations, and individual competitors will take place at noon. If you are a school or organization, please bring your flag or banner. We will line up in groups in the center of the auditorium so that the spectators can give their appreciation to all of the competitors, and then, united in good sportsmanship and citizenship, we will all sing the National Anthem together.

The 2024 World Open Martial Arts Championship offers the Athlete Rankings System to all competitors. Each gold medal is worth 30 points, silver medals are worth 20 points, and bronze medals are worth 10 points.  Any competitor achieving 100 points is ranked in the Gold Warriors Division; 80 points is ranked in the Silver Warriors Division; 60 points is ranked in the Bronze Warriors Division. Each winning athlete’s martial arts experience, detailed information, and achievements will be published on the WOMAC website.

We will be honored by the presence of your academy or organization, and by all individual competitors as we come together in our various martial arts disciplines to demonstrate true martial spirit. We look forward to seeing you on the 5th of October.


Ted Gulong
President of World Fighting Martial Arts Federation
Founder of US Open Martial Arts Championship