Inside the Life of a Shaolin Monk

(The Huffington Post) – Most martial artists are familiar with the extraordinary powers of the Shaolin monks. They train in the…

History of Shaolin Long Fist Kung Fu

(YMAA) – The first Shaolin Buddhist Temple was built in 377 AD on Shaoshi Mountain (少室山) in Deng Feng (登封) county…

The Legacy of Muslim Kung Fu Masters

The Legacy of Muslim Kung Fu Masters

(Muslim Heritage) – The Legacy of Muslim China is the legacy of Muslim Kung Fu. Muslim Masters have trained continuously and…

The Method of Hung Ga’s Ging

The Method of Hung Ga’s Ging

(Kung Fu Magazine) – Normally when people talk about strength, they are referring to a person’s natural power, size and build….

Wing Tsun’s Devastating Long Pole

Wing Tsun’s Devastating Long Pole

(Kung Fu Magazine) – The WingTsun long pole technique, known in Cantonese as luk dim boon gwun (six-and-a-half point pole), is…