Master Norman Smith serves as a judge at the US Open Martial Arts Championship

Master Norman Smith started his practice in martial arts in 1966 where he trained in Japanese, Korean and Chinese arts.

In Chinese martial arts, Master Smith studied external Kung fu such as Southern (Five Animals Five Family), Northern Kung fu (Tien Shan Pai) and Wing Chun Kung fu and Internal Arts such as Traditional Yang, Wu, Chen & Sun Style Tai Chi as well as Qi Gong (Breathing exercises) for health.

Some of his most noted Sifu;s were Grandmaster Ark Y. Wong, Grandmaster Willy Lin.     

Master Smith promoted the “Martial Arts Extravaganza” 1989-1997 along with Mayor /Governor Ed Randall held at Temple University in Philadelphia where he had an all Kung fu exhibition with Top Martial artist from all over the United States to share in his dream of martial arts schools demonstrating their skills to the public for Racial Harmony & Women Organized Against Rape.

In 1996 He help sponsored “China’s Wu Shu Team Tour” from Beijing China.

In 1998 he also Co-promoted and coached the United States Kung Fu Team which was broadcast on Comcast Cable (AKA Martial arts “Best of the Best”), which featured Top Black Belt Martial Arts Competition and the Philadelphia 76ers Game, which featured the Shaolin Monks from China and World Top Martial arts competitors all over the world.

Today Master Smith, who has taught many of the top Martial Artists Competitors in U.S in Full Contact Sparring, Forms and Weapons Competitions is presently teaching at the Northern Shaolin Kung Fu & Tai Chi Academy in Audubon PA (Near Valley Forge) (in Audubon Square Shopping Center).

In addition to teaching Tai Chi & Qi Gong at several Business and Retirement Centers plus Rehab Centers in the PA area.  

Master Smith is the owner of Total Martial Art Supplies (Tai Chi & Kung Fu Supplies).

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